Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The edge of the sword has delivered a victory

Bubblegum Tate, when he submitted his story, proclaimed "The Nation of Hillmomba is claimed in the name of Tate-ania!"

I guess he has some prophetic qualities in him somewhere.

With 32% of the votes this round, Tate claims his victory and now is faced with the challenge of coming up with a new list of The Words for the next round.

As soon as he gets his title and list to me, the next round will begin!

Congratulations, Bubblegum Tate!


Cazzie!!! said...

Well done, all the stories were just great reading. I am enjoying being part of this challenge :)

jusdealem said...

I enjoyed being a part of it too, cazzie. I'll have to try alot harder next time, though, and maybe get at least one vote! LOL
Congrats to Bubblegum Tate!

Cap'n Neurotic said...

Congrats, Tate; here's hoping the arrival of the new words won't be held up by that pesky new arrival at the Tate household ;)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Well done, Gummy. I congratulate you on your win. That said, I must inform you that Hillmomba will never succumb to the rule of Tate-ania!

FYI, the Nation of Hillmomba fought off the Beclakians a couple years ago. We shall not be claimed!

Anybody wishing to learn more about our great nation can check it out here:

What happens when we're provoked?

This is how we fight the oppressor:

And keep on fighting:

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go prepare a State of the Nation address.

Cazzie!!! said...