Monday, March 12, 2007

Writing Challenge 1 - Let's Get It Started!

Writing Challenge Numero Uno -

Let's Get It Started!

is now open.

Here are The Words, courtesy of me, because well, I started it, so I can.


Send your stories here when they are written.

Deadline for this challenge is: March 22nd.


Cazzie!!! said...

I shall get onto it asap :)

Cap'n Neurotic said...

I've update the link on my post so that it points here instead. And, I've got one of my faithful blog monkeys interested in participating, so you can look forward to a submission from Fellow Book Monkey and Blogger Bubblegum Tate.

Bubblegum Tate said...

Diva, quick question from a Writing Challenge n00b. What's been the average length of offerings in the past? In true American public school fashion, I don't want to draw attention to myself by being either the overachieving longest story or the underachieving shortest story. Bubblegum "Middle of the Pack" Tate, that's me!

Cazzie!!! said...

Hope you received my short story just now, cheers Cazzie :)

Redneck Diva said...

Ack! For some reason, comments have not been going to my gmail account and I didn't realize there were any here. I apologize for not getting back to everyone sooner!

Cazzie!!!, your story has been received and is awaiting post to the site!

Cap'n Neurotic, thanks for sending folks here! And the more the merrier, I always say. Well, I don't always say it because that would be annoying and endlessly redundant.

Bubblegum Tate, since I've only received two submissions this go'round I can tell you this - one is very short, one is what I'd call average. When we were writing on the other forum they were mainly what I'd call essay length. Does that make sense? I wrote several and they were about 20 minute reads.

Bubblegum Tate said...

Roger and received, Diva. My offering will be winging across the ether this very afternoon. Good luck, fellow worsmiths!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Umm...I hope this isn't a serious literary writing contest. Because if it is, I have just committed a serious literary writing contest faux pas.

Good luck to all.

Redneck Diva said...

I've gotten quite a sampling of genres. None of the stories sent are of the same genre, actually. Mine, as always, is dark and mysterious. No matter how I start them, they turn out creepy. Says something about me, I'm sure.

Still giggling over your story, though, HM.