Sunday, May 20, 2007


Anyone else having trouble finding inspiration for this round??

The Cap'n has mentioned his lack of inspiration as well. Are he and I the only two with serious cases of writer's block?

I don't want to make it a habit, but if everyone is having trouble getting stories written, I'd be open to extending the deadline a few days.

Leave a comment and let me know how things are going.


Hillbilly Mom said...

I can get it done, but it's my nature to procrastinate.

I don't mind if you extend the deadline, but either way, mine will arrive at the last minute.

Bubblegum Tate said...

I could blame a lack of sleep or Japanese bad girl movies or even suddenly finding myself holding the cutest little boy in the world, but they'd all be excuses. I just haven't done the WORK of writing this challenge.

Still, you may be on to something with this anti-writing malaise. By this time, I usually have a REALLY solid outline in my head but right now...I got nothin'.

While I was starting to look forward to banging out the story in one sitting tomorrow, I could also stand to have a couple extra days. I say give us a break.

Cazzie!!! said...

LOL at HBM 's first sentence there, ahaha.

I have been so darnded busy, but I am going to write my story tonight, sorry teacher, it won;t happen again.

I was going to use the old line,"My dog ate my homework", but thi day and age it is really not apt!!

Cap'n Neurotic said...

Considering how my last week or two have gone, I don't know if a deadline will help all that much, but I can pretty much guarantee that nothing's getting written before the end of today. Which is too bad, since I really liked all of the words this week.

Except daffodil; not super crazy about daffodil. But, to each his own.