Friday, May 4, 2007

Daddy blogger

Apparently, our most recent winner, Bubblegum Tate, has just had a baby. Okay, not him personally, but his wife just had a baby and well, he kind of participated.

So because he's off establishing himself among the ranks of daddybloggers everywhere, we're sitting here on our laurels. Not that we're complaining - most of us have kid a or two. They truly are a bit time-consuming, the little boogers. So I'm proposing that we do something in the meantime. School's out and I'm still avoiding housework like the plague. I need something to do!

So what's your pleasure, writers at large? We can dredge up old creative writing assignments from our teen years, we have try a limerick writing challenge, we can try plain ol' poetry (although I might gag, but I'll play along)....we can do all sorts of things.

So tell me ....... throw some things out there and we'll see what we come up with. Hopefully, whatever it is, we can end our sentences with prepositions.


Cap'n Neurotic said...

Intriguing ideas, one and all. I could pull out some of my overwrought poetry from "the dark years" of college; I've always been fond of the one where I compare my roommate G'ovich to a snake . . .

WHIP's said...

ooooh, my neighbor told me she had to write a paper once describing present day america if the south had won the civil war. and if that bombs, i had a dark phase with mucho vodka and mucho bad poetry. I've got finals til wednesday but I was planning to not study anyway

Hillbilly Mom said...

I emailed a few ideas your way, Diva, but I can be persuaded to writed bad poetry. After all, I wrote my colleague, Mr. K, that parody of 'The Raven' last year.

jusdealem said...

Now, that would be a challenge: Ending every sentence with a preposition.

It would be a very difficult strategy to work with. ;)

Stewed Hamm said...

A latecoming thought:
Killing time through structured verse
Haiku A-go-go!